

I met Dion after leaving a meeting today.  I was walking back to my car, and due to construction on campus I had to walk a round-about way to get to where I enter and exit campus.  I was not until I had caught up and was along side her when I noticed that she was a bit older than most college students.  I asked her what she was studying, and she seemed a little surprised that I was talking to her.  She is in her last semester, just four classes left, of finishing a degree in finance and economics, something  I would find unbearable.  She asked what I studied and I told her that I was just four classes away from completing a Spanish degree.

As we walked along chatting about what I could do with Spanish I wanted to get the conversation back to her.  After all, I am going to learn more talking to someone else who I have just met rather than simply talking about myself for the ten thousandth time.  She had been to Barcelona with her sister who knew some Spanish, and she remarked on the Spanish accent and how funny it sounded for her.  In Spain, people talk with a different accent than those people from Latin-america who we typically meet her in Reno, Nevada.

I asked Dion, honestly I don’t know how I would spell her name, if she ever listened to any podcasts.  I explained podcasts briefly and told her to check out one called Econ Talk. Personally I have never listened to that show, but I did listen to an interview with the show’s host, and I know it is popular.

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